Our Community Heroes
Action Cancer Community Group volunteers work tirelessly within their own local communities raising money for our charity. We could not deliver our vital services without their support. The time and effort they dedicate make a real and lasting difference to families living with a cancer diagnosis.
Groups meet regularly, distribute collection boxes in their local areas and organise fundraising events throughout the year. From ladies nights and coffee mornings to carol services and duck races, we’ve seen them all!
Action Cancer provide Groups with administrative and practical support such as:
- Branded materials – posters, banners, balloons, collection boxes etc
- Assistance will event planning
- Promotion of Group activity in the local press
- Applying for street collection permits
- Annual Group Forum event
Why join your local group?
Volunteering provides many beneifts such as socialising and learning new skills. Eleanor who is a member of Action Cancer Lurgan Group, tells us why she became a volunteer.
“Having taken early retirement a number of years ago I was eager to maintain a sense of purpose, to continue to utilise my skill set and actually just remain active. I was aware of the work Action Cancer did in Lurgan and so I decided to join my local Action Cancer Group, in fact, I became the secretary! The benefits have been much more than anticipated. Being a part of the group was an opportunity to meet new and like-minded people and to give back to the community of which I am part and extend my own social circle. Through volunteering I know I am making an actual, positive difference to people and families living with a cancer diagnosis and that is a good feeling to have. If you have the time to donate, I would recommend volunteering to anyone, regardless of age or ability. It is a way to connect with the people around you, develop skills, keep you mentally stimulated and actually help reduce stress and combat depression!”
Eleanor Hamilton

Our groups are always eager and excited to welcome new members. Joining a group is a brilliant way to make new friends and support your own community!
Our Community Fundraising Groups are located in:
We are always looking for new group members, there is no minimum requirement on your time – this is entirely up to you and what you can afford to give.
If would like to join one of our Community Fundraising groups, please complete the form below.