Complementary Therapy has been shown to be effective in dealing with both physical and emotional/psychological symptoms that impact people affected by cancer.
For example, aromatherapy, reflexology and massage have been shown to: aid relaxation; relieve stress and tension; improve quality of life; aid sleep; improving coping with side effects and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Emmett technique, which involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points, enables gentle releases for common problems including neck, shoulder and back pain.
Many of our Complementary Therapists are trained to adapt techniques to work safely with children and adults with a cancer diagnosis. The following Complementary Therapies are available at Action Cancer:
Therapeutic Gentle Massage Therapy
Touch Therapy
Relaxation Therapy
Bach Flower Remedies
Bowen Therapy
Emmett Therapy

Auricular Acupuncture
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Who can use it?
Anyone (aged 5+) who has been impacted by cancer, those diagnosed or the family/friends of those diagnosed.
Where is it?
Complementary Therapy is available at Action Cancer House, Belfast and at a range of regional locations including: Bangor, Coleraine; Crossgar, Derry/Londonderry, Lurgan, Newry and Newtownards.
How to access it?
To book please call Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344 or email [email protected]
After recovering from breast cancer I was constantly exhausted, with no appetite and no reason to get out of bed. Action Cancer has provided me with so much and I have so many people to be grateful for. [Therapist] helped me to manage tiredness through complimentary therapy- learning about meditation and essential oils has boosted my whole outlook. I never thought that these therapies would have been so helpful- they have boosted my energy levels, my sleep patterns, my pains, but also I feel I can deal with day to day problems and I do not get as ‘stressed’ as I used to. [Therapist] has been my guardian angel- I do not know how I could have coped without Action Cancer. I will be grateful forever.
The complementary therapy has brought stillness to my life at a hectic, emotional and physically tough time. The Emotional Freedom Technique is becoming a routine part of my life. Auricular acupuncture with aromatherapy gave me space for my mind to feel free of everyday burdens. Remembering it still brings me calm and peace.
Aromatherapy/reflexology was amazing and I benefitted by being able to relax and achieve a good night’s rest afterwards. It opened my eyes to the possibility of meditation and other ways to relax that I wouldn’t have known about. Nicola was a very sympathetic and caring person and I appreciated her insight and treatment immensely.