Following a cancer diagnosis and treatment, many people suffer with pain and restrictions. Our physiotherapy service carried out by our specialist physiotherapist as well as Bowen/Emmett techniques and Auricular Acupuncture carried out by our Complementary therapists can be effective in alleviating pain and restrictions.
can help alleviate joint or muscle pain/restrictions, fatigue, pain/loss sensation in your hands/feet. Your treatment plan may include manual physiotherapy techniques, exercises, scar mobilisation techniques and self-care practices.
Bowen Therapy
is a technique where the practitioner uses thumbs and forefingers on precise points on the body to make rolling type moves which gently stimulate the muscles, soft tissue and energy within the body. These moves prompt the body to make the adjustments which help to re-balance, relieve tension and reduce pain.
Emmett Therapy
Involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points, referred to as “Emmett points” that enable gentle releases for common problems, which include neck, shoulder and back pain.
Auricular Acupuncture
Involves the insertion of very fine needles in and around the area of the ear. It can help reduce anxiety levels, help deal with fatigue and aid sleep.
Who can use it?
Anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis can avail of this service.
Where is it?
Bowen therapy can be accessed at Action Cancer House, Belfast – it is delivered by one of the complementary therapists.
Emmett therapy and Auricular Acupuncture can be accessed at Action Cancer House as well as in Derry/Londonderry – it is delivered by our complementary therapists.
How to access it?
To book please call Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344 or email [email protected]
I have been transformed in the last couple of months by the wonderful work that Emer the physiotherapist has done on my feet, knees and ankle. She has been able to get me moving again and me the right exercises to help when I am feeling stiff. Also I am feeling my hands and toes again after the effects of chemo. Thankyou so much.
Emmett therapy definitely loosened my shoulders and gave me better movement to lift my children. Everyday tasks are a bit easier as well.
The Auricular acupuncture was great. I can’t believe I could achieve this level of relaxation. I can’t take it in