Scar therapy involves gentle massage of the skin and superficial layers of tissue around the area of a post-surgical scar.
Scar therapy aims to;
– reduce pain around the scar site
– improve feeling and functionality
– relieve restrictions in the surrounding tissue
Who can use it?
Anyone with cancer related scars from surgery or treatment, where their scars are causing pain, reduced functionality or restrictions to movement.
Who can't use it?
Anyone receiving intensive chemotherapy or radiotherapy. You will need to have completed these prior to commencing scar therapy.
Where is it?
Available in Action Cancer House, Belfast and Coleraine.
How to access it?
To book please call Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344 or email [email protected]
I felt wonderfully privileged to have been given this opportunity at Action Cancer. I will admit that at first I had a degree of scepticism as to the benefit of scar therapy. How wrong I was! Almost from the first session I began to notice a difference in the amount of sensation I had on the right side of my chest. I had had extensive reconstructive surgery and the whole area including my shoulder and arm were very numb. With each session the whole area became more comfortable which in turn encouraged me to use it more and be more active.
Scar Therapy is so gentle and yet it has a powerful impact. My scar no longer hurts me, all the tension and tightness has gone. The result is that I am not as consciously aware of my scar. It has given me a way to really move on from the cancer diagnosis. The therapist also worked her magic in stopping involuntary cough that had plagued me since the surgery. I am so grateful for this treatment. Thank you
The therapist worked with me for 6 sessions of one hour each. She massaged the affected areas. Initially I only noticed small changes but looking back now I can say that my range of movement in my arm and shoulder have improved, the skin feels softer and moves more freely. I also have improved sensations all around the scar sites. I would like to say that it was a very relaxing experience and the therapist was friendly and caring. I would thoroughly recommend this.