Give your donation a boost by 25% with Gift Aid!
What is Retail Gift Aid?
Gift Aid your donation and give your donation a boost by 25% with the retail gift aid scheme! Donate your pre-loved items to an Action Cancer shop and watch your donation raise more funds for our vital, cancer prevention, detection and support services across Northern Ireland. Whether it’s a sofa or a pair of shoes we can claim the gift aid on it at no extra cost to you!
Every Gift Aider helps us to fund more of our cancer prevention, detection and support services across Northern Ireland.
Sign up today! It will take a couple of minutes but will have a massive impact.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme run by the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that allows charities like Action Cancer to reclaim the tax on your donations at no extra cost to you.
This means all donations will be worth 25% more: if your donation sells for £10 we will actually receive £12.50.

Who can become a Gift Aider?
You must be a current UK taxpayer, but this is not limited on tax earnings.
You also qualify if you pay tax on pension, savings, property sales or rental income.
You only need to have paid as much in tax as Action Cancer will reclaim on your donations.
Make sure you are happy with our Gift Aid Terms and Conditions by clicking the button below.
How do I become a Gift Aider?
Print our Gift Aid form at home and attach your completed form to your donations and leave into your local Action Cancer shop.
Call into your local shop and one of the team will be happy to sign you up. Click here to find your nearest shop.
We will never share your details with third parties.
How much value has Gift Aid generated on my donation?
When your donation has been sold we will write to you and let you know how much you have raised.
If you are a current Gift Aider and receive letters from us informing you about your Gift Aid and would prefer to receive emails or moving to a new address you can update your details and change your preferences at