• Over 18s
  • With new or changing moles
  • or symptomatic skin lesions

Our Skin Cancer Detection service aims to find skin cancers earlyIt is not a mole mapping service. This service is for people who have a concern about a changing mole/lesion.  Our clinical nurse specialists examine any new or changing/non-healing moles or lesions you may have

To improve accuracy our specialised nurses will examine the mole/lesion with a Dermatoscope which enables the practitioner to examine deeper layers of the skin that can’t be seen with the naked eye. 

Skin Cancer continues to increase worldwide to include Melanoma and Non-Melanoma skin cancers. In Northern Ireland in recent decades Melanoma has trebled and non-Melanoma skin cancer has been doubling (Skin Cancer Registry).  


In Northern Ireland the most common skin cancers include Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma, these are commonly referred to non- melanoma skin cancers. It is our objective to detect these skin cancers at an early stage which will improve patient outcomes and cosmesis. 

90% of skin cancer deaths can be attributed to Melanoma (Marghoob, The earlier skin cancer is detected the greater the prognosis and Patient experience is. Survival from melanoma is strongly related to tumour thickness and therefore, early detection is key. 

The clinical staff providing the service are suitably trained in clinical history taking, clinical examination and dermoscopic assessment. Dermoscopy is an assessment tool which enables clinical staff to detect skin cancers at a much earlier stage as opposed to naked eye examination only. 

We will also strive to raise awareness to empower the public with knowledge of sun awareness in how to protect from harmful UV radiation from the sun including discouragement in the use of sunbeds. 


Who is Eligible?

Our Skin Cancer Early Detection service is only available to adults who have noticed a new or change in an existing mole or lesion.

Please see our Signs & Symptoms section HERE 

If you are over 18yrs of age and have a new or changing/non-healing mole or lesion, then you can use this service.

If you are unsure if you are eligible to use this service, please call us for advice.



Action Cancer provide Skin Cancer Early Detection in 2 venues:

Action Cancer House at 20 Windsor Ave Belfast

On board our mobile unit the Big Bus which travels to over 200 locations across Northern Ireland each year.

The service will strive to deliver in rural areas of the community on the Big Bus providing equity for all members of the public in Northern Ireland. This in turn will lead to referring affected patients to get their treatment in a timely manner in the right place and at the right time. 



What happens during our Skin Cancer Detection service?

When you come for your appointment, we provide you with a safe and comfortable environment.


Action Cancer Saved My Life - Lyn's Story

Action Cancer Saved My Life - Lyn's Story


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